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Dropbox and Google Drive – Advantages And Disadvantages

For ages, Dropbox has been the king of syncing files. One drag-and-drop and your file would be accessible from any place with internet, either through a Dropbox on the computer itself or through the Dropbox website. For students, businessmen and all in between, this was the ultimate useful tool. However, Google have stepped into the ring and are stealing some of Dropbox’s thunder, so to speak, with Google Drive. The two both offer the same basic service, that service being the file-syncing service. But the question stands; which one is superior? Which one is more beneficial? Which one will offer a more comfortable file-syncing experience? I hope to shed some light on these questions in this article.

First off, let’s describe some of the advantages Google Drive has over Dropbox. Google are, generally, a powerful and popular company with much useful experience. Google need to deal with gigantic masses of information when dealing with YouTube; as a result, they could be considered more experienced. Google are safety-conscious as well. One’s safety can be guaranteed with Google. Google also has the upper hand with Google Docs, something which allows the user to create documents and put them into Google Drive. Dropbox is dependent on third-party software. Plus, the extra space on Drive is cheaper, which is never a bad thing. Dropbox is slower than Google Drive by default; this, however, can be changed in the settings.

On the other hand, though, Google Drive has some significant disadvantages associated with it. Linux users can disregard Drive instantly, on the very simple basis that Linux users cannot access Google Drive. Dropbox is compatible with Linux. That must be a significant number of potential customers gone. Google Drive has a rather confusing way of sharing files; Dropbox is much more straightforward in this respect. Dropbox is also more straightforward in regards to the information given during syncing. Google Drive gives absolutely no information with regards to how fast it is syncing or when it’ll be completed during syncing, while Dropbox does. A simple difference but a considerable one as well.

In closing, we can see that the two are definitely file-syncing powerhouses. Despite this, Google Drive is a new company and still has some minor creases to iron out as a result. Both services are more than decent and worth considering.

― By Joseph Lumber

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